Adding Telescope Extensions

Since everyone has different needs in their workflow, we have opted not to pre-configure any telescope extensions. You can, however, quite easily add your own in only a couple lines of code.

Let's use the very popular telescope-fzf-native.nvim extension as an example. From your configuration, simple declare the extension source. Registration with telescope will be handled automatically.

{ pkgs, ... }: {
  telescope.extensions.fzf-native = {
    # you can optionally specify `module` to override the lua module which is #
    # called during `telescope.load_extension(<module>)`. By default, the name of
    # the attribute set is used (in this case `fzf-native`, but since we
    # specified a module name `fzf` will be used instead)
    module = "fzf";
    src =
      // {
        owner = "nvim-telescope";
        repo = "fzf-native.nvim";

You can, of course, use any source type for src, so fetchers such as pkgs.fetchFromGithub will work as well.

{pkgs, ... }: {
  telescope.extensions.terraform_doc = {
    enable = true;
    src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
      owner = "ANGkeith";
      repo = "telescope-terraform-doc.nvim";
      rev = "4b539fc9a9b647dddebe6b0ccc3eac2a23e3ddcf";
      hash = "sha256-8ry5Og/JLk0n3Ayx1YWUsQSJnA+FBXjilb3f1tKaE/4=";
  # these options are passed to `extensions` in `telescope.setup()`
  opts = {
    wrap = "wrap";



Whether to enable telescope.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Example: true

Declared by:


The set of telescope extensions to make available.

Type: attribute set of (submodule)

Default: { }

Declared by:


The name of the lua module to load for this extension. If not set, the attribute’s name is used.

Type: null or string

Default: null

Declared by:


Options to use for this extension. These are passed into telescope’s extension opts during setup.

Type: attribute set

Default: { }

Declared by:


Source to use for this plugin. This allows you to swap out the pinned version with a newer revision/fork or add patches by creating a wrapper derivation.

Type: package

Declared by:


A list of keybindings to set up for telescope. follows standard lazy keymap spec.

Type: list of (attribute set)

Default: [ ]

Declared by:


Options to pass to telescope.

Type: attribute set

Default: { }

Declared by:


Source to use for this plugin. This allows you to swap out the pinned version with a newer revision/fork or add patches by creating a wrapper derivation.

Type: package

Default: <derivation source>

Declared by: